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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - oscillate


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  1) вибрировать 2) качаться 3) колебаться 4) осциллировать 5) раскачиваться oscillate in axial mode — генерировать продольные колебания oscillate in transverse mode — генерировать поперечные колебания ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. качаться 2. колебаться to oscillate between two opinions —- колебаться между двумя мнениями 3. двигаться взад и вперед to oscillate between the kitchen and the dining-room —- ходить из кухни в столовую и обратно to oscillate between Oxford and London —- ездить из Оксфорда в Лондон и обратно 4. физ. выбрировать, осциллировать, колебаться ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) качать(ся)  2) вибрировать; колебаться (тж. перен.) Syn: see vibrate ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. 1 intr. & tr. a swing to and fro like a pendulum. b move to and fro between points. 2 intr. vacillate; vary between extremes of opinion, action, etc. 3 intr. Physics move with periodic regularity. 4 intr. Electr. (of a current) undergo high-frequency alternations as across a spark-gap or in a valve-transmitter circuit. 5 intr. (of a radio receiver) radiate electromagnetic waves owing to faulty operation. Derivatives oscillation n. oscillator n. oscillatory adj. Etymology: L oscillare oscillat- swing ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   intransitive verb  (-lated; -lating)  Etymology: Latin oscillatus, past participle of oscillare to swing, from oscillum swing  Date: 1726  1.  a. to swing backward and forward like a pendulum  b. to move or travel back and forth between two points  2. to vary between opposing beliefs, feelings, or theories  3. to vary above and below a mean value  Synonyms: see swing  • oscillatory adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (oscillates, oscillating, oscillated) 1. If an object oscillates, it moves repeatedly from one position to another and back again, or keeps getting bigger and smaller. (FORMAL) I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating. VERB: V • oscillation (oscillations) Some oscillation of the fuselage had been noticed on early flights. N-VAR 2. If the level or value of something oscillates between one amount and another, it keeps going up and down between the two amounts. (FORMAL) Oil markets oscillated on the day’s reports from Geneva. ...an oscillating signal of microwave frequency. = fluctuate VERB: no passive, V, V-ing • oscillation (oscillations) There have always been slight oscillations in world temperature. N-VAR 3. If you oscillate between two moods, attitudes, or types of behaviour, you keep changing from one to the other and back again. (FORMAL) The president of the Republic oscillated between a certain audacity and a prudent realism. VERB: no passive, V between n and n • oscillation ...that perpetual oscillation between despair and distracted joy. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 technical to keep moving regularly from side to side, between two limits 2 formal to keep changing between one feeling or attitude and another; vacillate + between  (Her attitude towards her husband oscillated between tender affection and deep mistrust.) 3 if an electric current oscillates, it changes direction very regularly and very frequently - oscillatory adj ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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